Support the work of St. John’s Toorak
“Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not regretfully or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver”
2 Corinthians 9:7
Since 1859 St. John’s Toorak has relied entirely on the generosity of donors to support its ministry and activities. These donations ensure the upkeep of our heritage listed church building, church hall, payment of clergy and staff salaries, and contributions to the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne which in turn supports the wider mission of the church.
Your donation of whatever size will support the continuation of this work for
another 160 years. Please do give generously and know that your support is greatly appreciated.
To make a direct donation to St. John’s for general funds or specific projects, please use the ‘Donate now’ button.

Anglican Development Fund - ADF

Direct Donation - Cheque


Bank Transfer
Donations can be made directly to St. John’s General Account, Westpac.
Account Name:
St John’s Anglican Church
BSB: 033 086
Account: 871931.
International transfers please include SWIFT code WPACAU2S.
Organ & Music Program
St. John’s Toorak is blessed to have a Choir and Director of Music who perform at our Sunday services. Our organ is one of the best and most historic in Australia. Your donation towards the Music program at St John’s ensures the upkeep of our organ, the purchase of musical scores, and the honorarium which each choir member receives.
The Gibb Fund was founded in memory of Mrs. William Gibb for the support and encouragement of the choir at St. John’s.
Donations should be made to Melbourne Anglican Cultural Organisation (MACO) via the Melbourne Anglican Foundation (MAF).
*Donations to The Gibb Fund via MACO over $2 are tax deductible*

This video, with some background into the instrument, what has been done, and why this is necessary, has been filmed and expertly produced by parishioner Brendan Jacobs. I wish to extend my very grateful thanks to the generous donors to the Gibb Fund; and to Brendan for the many hours of work involved in volunteering to produce this info-mational.
Christopher Cook, Director of Music