(03) 9826 1434

Current Notices


A helpful website for understanding the Bible
For those who have not discovered it yet, The Bible Project website is a rich source of information about all things related to the bible: Books and themes of the bible; biblical characters; the character of  God etc. For example, the web link below presents a very helpful short video overview of the Book of 2 Samuel which we are reading in our Sunday services at present. Sample and enjoy! Click here

An Evening with Richard Alston:
Thursday 22 August 2024, 7pm
St Peter’s Toorak will be hosting the Official Book Launch of Richard Alston AO’s new Book ‘The Glory of Dante.’ Richard will talk about his new book, answer questions and sign copies of his book.  To RSVP for this event, please click here.

Vocations Sunday, 25 August
Sunday 25 August is a day when our Diocese encourages members of our churches to consider if God is calling them to be deacons and/or priests. In marking this day and committing this Sunday to be a focus on vocation, I hope and pray members of St. John’s will reflect on their individual call as baptised Christians, and, potentially, as ordained members of the church. If you would like to explore this further, please contact any member of the clergy. The Vicar


A St John’s Soirée: St Hildegard of Bingen
Friday 30 August, 7.30pm-9.00pm
Come for drinks and nibbles and a presentation on St Hildegard by Revd Dr Wendy Crouch. Describing herself as a “feather on the breath of God”, Hildegard was a highly complex and gifted person with a prophetic voice, whose many works in theology, music, visual art, poetry and drama are still inspiring people today. We will listen to her life story and also reflect on some of her poetry and beautiful music. There is much we can learn from her today. Tickets will be $20 which can be paid at the door or contact the parish office to pay beforehand. All proceeds to be donated to Richmond Churches Food Centre. Please invite friends and family for this unique event. Sign-up here!

Species extinction: Who cares? Why?
Thursday 19 Sep 2024, 6:30-8pm
On Thursday 19, at St Paul’s Cathedral, guest speakers, Emeritus Professor of Zoology Mike Clarke and Revd Dr Deborah Storie will discuss species extinction, the challenge it poses to life on this planet and theological themes this raises in a seminar arranged by ISCAST. This is a free event, however registrations are required: Click here

Blessing of the Pets Service
Sunday 6 October, 4pm
A favourite afternoon in the St. John’s calendar is the annual blessing of the pets service, held in honour of St. Francis (the patron saint of animals). All are welcome – with their pets! – to gather on the South Lawn for a service of prayer and blessing and for time together with our animals. Refreshments will be served.


Wednesday 9 – Saturday 12 October

The Diocese of Melbourne’s Synod meets in October this year, beginning with a service of Holy Communion 7pm Wednesday 9 October at St Paul’s Cathedral, and ending on Saturday 12 October. (As a result there will be no Wednesday night Eucharist on Wednesday 9 October.) Our lay Synod representatives are Fiona McLeay, Jenny Smith and Adriaan den Dulk. Anthony Mannering is our alternate, should Fiona, Jenny or Adriaan be unable to fulfil their duties at the commencement of the Synod session. Each of our clergy are also representatives.


Service of Baptism, Confirmation & Reception
Sunday 13 October, 10am
Our bishop, The Rt. Revd. Genieve Blackwell, will preside and preach at a service of Confirmation at 10am on October 13, 2024. Confirmation preparation classes commence from Sunday, August 25, 2024, and will be held over five Sunday afternoons. The preparation classes will be led by the Vicar and the Assistant Curate. Please pray for those being baptised and confirmed: Linda Gay and Lucas Weir; those being confirmed Sophia Rose Rushton, Rory Kalabwani, Gus Peter Shepherd, Charlotte Parfit and Kim Collins; and those being received into the Anglican Church Leanne Blackenberg and Mark Di Cesare.


All Souls Day Service
Thursday 31 October, 7pm
On All Souls’ Day we have the opportunity to hold before God those we hold dear in death as in life. This service includes a Commemoration of the Departed and excerpts from Fauré’s requiem sung by St. John’s choir.


Archbishop’s Dinner
Wednesday 13 November, Trinity College
Please mark this date in your diary: it is a wonderful evening of fellowship, in the presence of our Archbishop and in support of Trinity College Theological School. Please consider attending if you haven’t before; and return if you have!


Food for Friends Appeal Continues
If you are feeling the cost of living increases, remember those who need extra help by donating to the Toorak Ecumenical Fund:

BSB: 063 177
Account No: 10026147

Thank you to everyone who has already donated. The heartfelt appreciation by the agencies reflects the value of this work. Brenda Mouritz


Australian Anglican Church Calendar 2025
You can now order your very own Australian Anglican Church Calendar for 2025 through St. Peter’s Bookroom. This is the only Australian calendar designed to celebrate and seek to preserve the heritage of Australian Anglican Churches. Order forms are available in the Narthex. You can also order online at www.stpetersbookroom.com.au/australian-anglican-church-calendar or instore.


Covid and Flu Safety
Regrettably COVID – and the ‘flu – remain ever-present. If you are unwell, don’t forget to complete a COVID test, stay home to reduce the spread and wear a mask if you need to go out. 


Need time for prayer? Some quiet space?
Please know that the church is open every day from at least 9am until 5pm for you and all people to come and pray, meditate, or sit quietly. We have recently placed some prayer booklets in the Angel Chapel and the Narthex that you are welcome to use, you can also download a digital copy here.
All are welcome, all the time.

Baptismal Font
Anne Scott-Virtue, White Shutter Photography
www.whiteshutterphotography.com @white_shutter_photography